Phone (973) 361-8444

Zoning and Housing

Proper exterior landscape and building maintenance is required under the provisions of the Borough's Property Maintenance Ordinances. Help keep Wharton a great place to live by maintaing your property.

Leon Stickle

Housing and Zoning Officer/ Road Opening Coordinator

Patrick Laverty

Deputy Housing and Zoning Officer

Zoning Review Application/ Permit

Prior to any construction or renovations, installation of fencing, retaining walls, accessory structures, or business registration residents must submit an application to the zoning department for review and issuance of any required permits. For the form click here

Certificate of Habitation

A Certificate of Habitation is required for every resale of residential property. It requires an inspection by the Zoning and Housing Officer. This inspection includes the smoke detector and carbon monoxide alarm test together with an overall property maintenance inspection including but not limited to ground fault electrical receptacles, broken stairs and/or windows, handrails, broken screens on windows, and a general exterior inspection for safety. For the form click here.

Rental Compliance/Landlord Registration

All residential rental properties in the Borough require an inspection by the Housing/Zoning Officer prior to any dwelling unit being occupied. Landlords are required to register with the Borough and schedule an inspection. Tenant names and contact information are required. Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors, Fire Extinguishers, as well as life safety issues are inspected for compliance with Municipal Ordinances. For the registration form click here.

New Jersey Lead Safe Certification

New Jersey's newest lead-based paint law, "New Jersey's Lead-Safe Certification," went into effect 7/22/22 and directly targets all pre-1978 rental properties. In addition to new lead paint inspection intervals. For more information click here.

Vacant and Foreclosed Properties

The Borough requires any vacant or foreclosed property in the Borough to be registered annually. For the registration form click here.

Student Verifications

Wharton Public Schools and Morris Hills Regional School District require a certification of residency in the Borough for students to attend school. For the form click here.

Road Opening Permit

Road Opening Permits are issued by the Zoning and Housing Officer. See Borough Ordinance 270-11 (Permit Application) for more information. For the form click here.

Smoke Detector and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Test

This is required for the resale of residential property. You should contact the Zoning and Housing Official approximately two weeks prior to closing to set up an appointment for this.

Tree Removal Permit

Tree Removal Permits are required in the Borough of Wharton and are issued by the Zoning and Housing Official. For the form click here.

Non Residential Sign Permit/Outdoor Dining Permit

Permits for non-residential signs and outdoor dining are required in the Borough of Wharton and are issued by the Zoning and Housing Official. For the form click here.

New Business Application/Registration

If you are looking to open a new business please utilize the form here.

Zoning Map of Wharton Borough

To view the Zoning Map click here.

For more information about Zoning visit Chapter 165 of the Borough Ordinances.

Borough of Wharton

Wharton is a community of approximately 7,346 residents in the highlands of Morris County. Wharton is located between Routes 15, 46 and 80, stretching south from the main entrance of Picatinny Arsenal, a major army research and development center, to Route 46 abounded on the west by Roxbury Township and the east by Dover and Rockaway Township. The Borough is approximately 2.2 square miles.

Contact Information

10 Robert Street, Wharton,
New Jersey 07885
Phone - (973) 361-8444

Town Hall Office Hours
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday thru Friday

Town Hall is open until 7:30 p.m the second Thursday of the month (except for certain election weeks) and closes at 12:30 p.m. on the second Friday of the month.

Check the Borough Calendar for exact dates.

Accessing Information within our Website

If you have trouble with accessing information contained within this website, please contact the Borough of Wharton at (973) 361-8444 x2713 or

Borough Links
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